Our Features
Case Management
Make service plan decisions, stay informed of case requirements, and complete required tasks.
Workflow Management
Automatically track all agency cases and indicate when tasks are due according to agency/ministry guidelines
Document Management
Store and share case forms, images, or any other type of digital asset on a case by case basis.
Integrated Reporting
Over 200 predefined ministry and operation reports to accommodate reporting requirements.
Mobile Access
Matrix is available in the field, on the road, and anywhere else direct from your smartphone.
Ministry and Operation Reports
Getting information out of the system is as important as getting it in. Typical ministry funding formula reports and agency operation reports are available in Matrix.

Welcome to Matrix
Our VSI Matrix system has been designed by Ontario case workers and has been used for over 10 years by the largest agencies in the province. No other product currently being worked on or currently in the market matches the features and functionality availble in our system but don't take our word for it. Contact us and we'll provide you with a list of agencies to talk to using our software and draw your own conclusion.
VSI has been providing software solutions to the province for many years. We take pride in our work and our earned reputation as a company that is easy to do business with. We speak your language, know the realities of your work and have what it takes to migrate your existing systems to Matrix. Our organization is committed to our product and continues to refine and support our system on a daily basis.
VSI Matrix Features
"The one size fits all approach does not work for everyone." VSI Matrix is a powerful and extremely flexible system that balances ministry regulations and standard outcome measurements with unique work practices at the agency level. This is accomplished with features such as configurable departments, independent department rules and workflow, support for standard ministry and agency specific forms, multiservice support, multilingual support, dynamic security and approvals, ministry core stats and agency operational reporting.
We are operating in standard child welfare agencies as well as the most dynamic and complex multiservice agencies that provide services to children as well as adults in French and English. The modules currently available in VSI Matrix cover all your agency department needs including specialized module features for Legal, Child Placements, Transportation\Visitation and Purchasing Requisitions. Contact us for a complete listing of features and supported modules.